If I ask you to picture a board of directors, do you see the proverbial “ivory tower” with a number of people gazing off into the distance, hundreds of miles away from whatever is going on at ground level? Or do you picture a number of people with their eyes firmly fixed on what is happening below them, a little like the old films you might have watched on the TV about Greek Gods moving characters around a chess-style board?
Last week, our board had the opportunity of meeting the board members from the Legal Services Board (LSB). Like our board, some of their members come from a non-legal background. It was great to watch eyes widen when we told them about the work we do, the history of the CILEx Group and, of course, the profile of the regulated community. Those I spoke to recognised the valuable service to the consumer and the public provided by those we regulate. We shared views on consumer transparency and professional standards as well as some of the frustrations that exist.
To what good you might ask. Well, the importance of building strong foundations struck a chord with me. It is important that the LSB knows what we are striving to achieve, which afterall falls under the overarching regulatory objectives found in the Legal Services Act. If we continue to work together, we are providing the best platform for modernising and improving the legal system for all.