Put your best foot forward


By Helen Whiteman

At this time of year, we start building our team for the London Legal Walk which takes place on Monday 21 May.  Many other walks will take place throughout the year in other cities such as Cardiff, Birmingham and Manchester.  It’s an opportunity for all stakeholders in the legal sector to raise monies for the seven regional legal support trusts which provide grants to local legal advice agencies. Many of these agencies offer invaluable support and advice to the most vulnerable in society.

These regional trusts are also supported by the Access to Justice Foundation which encourages the sector to donate any unclaimed client account monies to the fund.  Last year a whopping £800,000 was raised by 12,000 walkers which meant that the foundation was able to provide grants to 152 organisations.

If you’d like to take part in a legal walk, the best place to start is an internet search for legal walks 2018. If there is one in your area, and you are a member of a CILEx branch, contact them to see if they are building a team which you can join.  Your company may be organising a team; if not, why not suggest it to colleagues? Anyone can take part: friends, clients, family members, even your dog!  If you are feeling energetic, you can jog or run! You are welcome to join the CILEx Regulation team and if the sun is out, there is always an ice-cream stop along the way!

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