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CILEx Regulation will be announcing new measures to make the legal services market more consumer friendly for individuals and small businesses. Watch this space!
The new Money Laundering Regulations 2017 came into force on 26 June 2017 and new sector guidance has now been published. The regulations impact us all. David Pope reports.
Brenda Hale will be sworn in as the first female president of the UK Supreme Court on 2 October. Jill Black will become the second female Justice of the Supreme Court on the same date. These appointments represent significant steps forward for diversity within the legal sector. But there’s still some way to go...
Helen Whiting, CILEx Regulation’s Practitioner Authorisation and Supervision Manager, highlights the reasons why competencies evidenced through Work-Based Learning portfolios are so important for lawyers - and for consumers of legal services.
Sarah Bailey discusses how pro bono can benefit not only members of the public, but law students and qualified lawyers too.
Getting the right help with a legal need can make a huge difference for people with mental health problems or dementia.
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