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10 things you should know about the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) market study into the provision of legal services.
The Pride Festival 2017 took place from 24 June to 9 July, with London’s renowned Pride Parade on 8 July. Sarah Bailey reports on the support by CILEx Regulation and what should be next for LGBT matters in the legal sector.
Principle 5 of CILEx's Code of Conduct (Code) shines a bright light on how to behave towards your clients and the standards your clients can expect from you.
Finding advice on complaints is vitally important for both consumers and our regulated community. Here, Regulation Matters provides clear information for consumers and for CILEx regulated members.
Choices, choices. Where can consumers find the right information on legal services? Helen Whiteman highlights the issues and makes a recommendation.
Events such as Refugee Week bring into focus the challenges facing some of the UK’s most vulnerable people, including legal challenges. Sarah Bailey, CILEx Regulation, reports.
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